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Totally Twila
Sep 5, 202411 min read
Stuff I've heard at Uni with absolutely no context whatsoever: vol. 4
Masters Degree edition: Bonus round!

Totally Twila
May 23, 202313 min read
Stuff I've heard at Uni with absolutely no context whatsoever: vol. 3
They think it's all over... It is now!

Totally Twila
Jul 7, 20225 min read
Stuff I've heard at Uni with absolutely no context whatsoever: vol. 2
The penultimate instalment of your favourite series.

Totally Twila
Jul 23, 20218 min read
Stuff I've heard at Uni with absolutely no context whatsoever: vol. 1
I refuse to let this series die.

Totally Twila
Sep 4, 20203 min read
Texts I’ve received in Quarantine with absolutely no context whatsoever
After the shambles that was Results Day, we're back with what must be the daftest texts yet!

Totally Twila
Aug 1, 20201 min read
Texts I’ve received in Quarantine with absolutely no context whatsoever
Nothing much happened this month... This must be the quiet before the storm of the dreaded Results Day.

Totally Twila
Jul 1, 20204 min read
Texts I’ve received in Quarantine with absolutely no context whatsoever
How are we only halfway through the year already??

Totally Twila
Jun 1, 20202 min read
Texts I’ve received in Quarantine with absolutely no context whatsoever
Whilst isolation is slowly driving us all insane (or more so than usual!), please STAY SAFE & PROTECT OTHERS!

Totally Twila
Apr 30, 20204 min read
Texts I’ve received in Quarantine with absolutely no context whatsoever
Somehow quarantine hasn't stopped the randomness?! If anything, it's made it worse...

Totally Twila
Mar 31, 20201 min read
Stuff I’ve heard at Sixth Form with absolutely no context whatsoever
Short but sweet, clearly we had more to focus on as it got nearer to our exams!

Totally Twila
Mar 1, 20203 min read
Stuff I’ve heard at Sixth Form with absolutely no context whatsoever
February's edition of the silly randomness that often spills of myself and my friends mouths.

Totally Twila
Feb 1, 20201 min read
Stuff I’ve heard at Sixth Form with absolutely no context whatsoever
Even more random quotes! (only this time it's literally only the ones from January, how are this many already?)

Totally Twila
Jan 1, 20202 min read
Stuff I’ve heard at Sixth Form with absolutely no context whatsoever
Alternative title: "The stuff that comes out of my mates' mouths"
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