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Stuff I've heard at Uni with absolutely no context whatsoever: vol. 4

Writer: Totally TwilaTotally Twila

Masters Degree edition: Bonus round (because I'm a nostalgic fart)!

A: I just realised I want money for a cat and a house. 
This is all.
B: Charlotte it's been years...
But you just made The Quotebook.
  • "They be the rebels of the groups, gotta 'snuff' them out early 😉'

  • "Maybe the wind???"

  • "I do wanna say you space is hecking bony"

A: But nice to get out the house really
Also I can stalk you hehehehehe
B: Definitely not a terrifying prospect
I'm fighting my toughest battles (my sinuses are being annoying and blocked).
A: Duo and I are no longer besties :((
I have beef with the owl
B: Honestly, owl beef is valid.
  • "But what if... you are a robot in denial?!"

  • "And yes, my guy, the insta is once again ramming"

  • "The dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed"

A: You're gonna work yourself to death
B: Did you just summarise my entire life philosophy?
*A book about a woman who falls in love with a sentient fork* (I'm not even kidding): WHO THINKS OF THESE THINGS WORSE WHO THINKS OF THESE THINGS THEN WRITES 159 PAGES AND GETS IT PUBLISHED
A: Big noodle 
B: That I am
  • "I have opened pandora's box and unleashed Frankenstein's monster."



A: I just ate 4 doughnuts in one sitting on a TUesday afternoon just because I fancied it. This is peak uni life.
B: Drugs? Alcohol? Partying? No. Doughnuts.
Gemma. I can't keep spending money.'s so pink and heart-shaped though 🥺
A: I'm happy your mum didn't swallow you
B: Same goes my dude 🤙
  • "Testicles need to be adaptable"

  • "I've got f***ing glitter in my belly button"

  • "She is very slay, maybe not for the accidental overdose"

A: (to the tune of Stick Season by Noah Kahan) "CAUSE I LOVE LOOSE LEAF TEA BUT IT'S THE SEASON OF THE ICED COFFEE"
B: -It's also the season of the soup, but it's ALWAYS, it's ALWAYS soup season.
I. F***ing. Love. Soup. (Steady on!)
See I'm not "bad at reading" I'm practicing Tsundoku* *A Japanese term that refers to a habit of buying books, but letting them lie unread
A: Fine by me but I'm sneakily feeding you edibles
Have this non-suspicious brownie 
B: See I think that's called "spiking" and that's illigal 
... I just wanted you to feel short for once :(

  • "Gemma. If you're fucking potatoes, tell me now."

  • "It's the delulu of delirious"

A: I'm not buying hot people's bath water
B: But it's not *just* bath water
It's special cumter
Bath cumter to be specific
A: *screenshots that for later*
Is this... good advice? From Gemma? Not mocking me for falling in love with every man I lock eyes with for more than 2 seconds Are you ok?
A: A screaming orgasm for example
B: ...I'M SORRY?
A: Go to a bar and ask the bartender to give you a screaming orgasm Trust me.
B: Hey as long as you're ok with me asking other men for that.
A bit forward if you ask me.
  • "She's like Mormon in reverse"

  • 'I reckon I could do with a lute. I love a good lute."

  • "This s*** is why I keep getting the periodic table song stuck in my head. But I'll take it over medieval French."

A: Yeah that really must not feel good
B: Insane emotional intelligence from you there Zach
A: Are you using sarcasm as a coping mechanism right now?
B: ...yes.
How dare 2009 be 15 years ago I thought 15 years ago was like 2005 maybe How dare time move forward when I haven't given it permission to
A: Also, he bought us a gift that doens't involve disembowelment!
  • "I'd keep lungs on my wall." (I'm sorry, WHAT?!)

  • "The garden of Eden was in Ohio, so in a way, we have all been to Ohio."

  • (a teenage boy about to burp but it just won't come out) "RELEASE ME!"

A: I do love meth
B: Not double suicide?
A: They are all just so good- That's it. I want to do them all.
B: Yayyy (I think?)
The worms are experiencing armageddon That's for sure
A: Was really rainy yesterday so didn't go out and just finished making tea now-
A: I blame you and my Welsh housemate
Wait that's not southern English
  • "I should not be trusted with big girl money."

  • "Not us girl mathing our way out of spending unspeakable amounts of money"

  • "Deadlines? Pfft! What are they?!"

A: Is he underneath something?
B: He'll be underneath the patio if he doesn't behave.
A: O-oh!
B: He hath appeared! He's out!
B: 🎶I'm stressed🎶
A: Ok
*to the tune of I Can Do It With A Broken Heart* I cry a lot and I'm quite pathetic
[Phone notification: "Your fertile window may start in 3 days."]
A: Thanks for this Apple. What do I do with this?
B: You avoid pregnancy via use of sword
A: want me to chop off my genitals?
B: No defend yourself from others, you sausage
B: You can never be too prepared
C: Don't have the ~adult fun times~ or else, child
  • "Bloody love Hay-on-Wye" (Understandable.)

  • "I love threatening to publish horrible things about people and ruin their lives unless they respond by a ultra specific deadline that I set 😎😈🔥"

  • "Man, I ain't ever pressure-washing my eyeball again." (This raises so many more questions)

A: I've got the flat to myself so
B: Ok new plan
We run around naked and perform rituals
B: 🔥🔥🔥
A: I'll get the blood sacrifice for the god Pan
Don't let me bite your ankles
A: What's your beaver contacts?
B: Tom, why DO you have so many beaver contacts?
  • "STAB"

  • (woman speaking) "Great. I look like Gary Barlow."

  • "Sorry? You've got a moth man?!"

A: Sooo, which jags have we had lol
B: Most of them!
A: That isn't helpful.
B: What's a girl to do?
A: Maybe own less Jaaaags?! 
Oi. What's that revision thing with the angry, gay fish?
B: Maybe he had a brother?? 
  • "F*** you and your sensible logic"

  • "I rarely experience comfort"

  • “Attack of the coat-hangers, much? What is that modern art?”

"OFFER: Lonely fish plus accessories
One lonely fresh water Danio fish needs a new home and new friends. Comes with own tank including filter (complete with gravel and plants), castle and temple. Sorry they wouldn't pose for a better picture! Tank wateer is due for a change, but we didn't want to stress him out if he was moving anyway." 
A: Would you like to home a lonely fish???????
I am sold
A: The whole shbang! 
He has a temple and everything!
B: Mother. Home him
If Elvis* eat him that's his fault *my cat, not the dead singer! (Although that would be funny to imagine!)
A: That's exactly what I'm worried about. It would be like inevitably giving him a life sentence (the lonely fish, not the cat)
He might accidentally swallow him (the lonely fish)
B: (Plus accessories)
(You can't forget those)
A: What could a fish do to make you fall out of love with him????
B: Who?
A: The lonely fish. Why don't his owners want to keep him?? What did he do wrong???
I'm sad for the fish
And his accessories 
B: Oh! Now I'm sad for you because you are sad for the lonely fish (plus accessories)
A: I am. And he will never know my plight😭
B: He probably doesn't even know he is a lonely fish (plus accessories)
A: I'm sure he is blissfully unaware of his status of 'lonely fish (plus accessories)'
B: He's just like "🐟🐠🐡I am a fish🐟🐠🐡"
A: That's all he knows. He has no idea he is (plus accessories)
B: Such a smol boy, no thoughts
A: Oh bless him
B: He's just a lonely fish (plus accessories)🥺🥺
A: He really is
*shows picture of Elvis (again, the cat, not the singer)*
A: He's just a cat (minus accessories)
B: Now I am sad the cat has no accessories
A: Oh please don't be sad! He can share the lonely fish accessories
B: Hurray!!
*A few weeks later* 
A: I had at least 6 rum and cokes (singles)
B: 😂😂😂😂 (Singles)! Sorry, reminds me of the lonely fish 🐠 (plus accessories)
A: Well, I didn't want you to think I'd had 6 doubles 
I have too many f***ers to prove wrong
A: The real meaning of STEM: Shenanigans, Tomfoolery, Escapades, Mischief
B: "Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths" Please. I know a government ploy when I see one.
A: They lie.
They really do.
B: It's just what they want you to think.
A: STEM in reality is shenanigans
  • "F*** the game. I said what I said."

  • "So, I've left a voicemail with the rabbi"

  • "...You know exactly the part that make me start SCREAMING "F*** YOU" repeatedly at my phone. You know."

A: Don't be brainself up now. 
B: That is not a sentence, but ok.
  • "Hehehehe it's the 2 wolves inside: a silly goose and a cute-for-pics"

  • "The weight of normalcy doesn't make it ~right~"

  • (Whilst walking into the room) "And then Winnie the Pooh's like, "I couldn't hear you I had a bit of fluff in my ear"!"

A: Christ, how many Jones' are there?
B: Welcome to Wales.

& now, a selection of genuine dating app profiles I've come across:

  • "Don't have to worry about meeting my parents, I don't have any." (O-oh!)

  • "Gender equality and that, you message me first"

  • (Additionally) "If loving this is wrong, I don't want to be right: Equality in the workplace"

  • Adam, 23: "Just broke up with Eve over a Granny Smith." (Ok, this guy wins 'most creative'

  • "As you can tell, just like Flappy bird, my game is dead."

  • (This truly terrifying trauma dump, and that's coming from me!) "My sister had a baby and I took it over after she passed away and the baby lost all its legs and arms and now its just a stump but I take care of it with my wife and... and its growing and its fairly happy... and its difficult because I'm working a second shift at the factory to put food on the table but all the love that I see in that little guy's face it makes it worth it in the end." (Like what's a gal meant to do with this?)

  • "A quick rant about: (in an angry Irish accent) MY HOUSEMATES KEEP LEAVING BANANA PEELS ON THE FLOOR IT'S REALLY *makes a steretypical, 1940s cartoon, falling on a banna peel noise*" (to be fair, it was a very good impression)

  • "Just casually being the coolest person on this app" (this was actually in response to me mentioning that I used to be a cosplay judge, lol!)

  • "Dating me is like having a migraine and an erection at the same time."

  • "F*** it. Organised rice." (WHAT. DOES. THIS. MEAN?!?)

  • "Yorkshire Tea is supreme"

  • "If you've been cocked back more than John Wayne's pistol, don't bother." (This one had me gagged, shooketh, still quaking, never recovering)

  • "Right, no one can convince me that Kangaroos are a real animal. Because if you're telling me that a squirrel that's about 6 foot tall and can box and has storage space is a real-life thing, then you're on another planet, mate." (Just about the best description I've ever read, David Attenborough eat your heart out)

  • "A random fact I love is: If you 🥜 in 2 minutes in 🐶 style that's actually 14 minutes in 🐶 years 🤯"

  • "Something that's non-negotiable for me is: *makes what can only be described as terrifying drowning Mario noises*"

A friend's review of me:
A (in a northern accent): This f***er has a massive p****, but he's only 5'8"-
B: -F*** OFF!
A (still northern): F***ing p***take.
C: *bursts out laughing*
  • "The key to my heart is: COOKING AND CLEANING (I'll watch)"

  • (And now the best profile I have ever seen) Faheem, 23:

    • "Strengths:

      • Academic weapon

      • Fashion King

      • Somewhat funny (only on Tuesdays and Thursdays)

      • Besties with the Sheriff of Nottingham

      • Very cool

    • Weaknesses:

      • Too sexy

      • The favourite child

      • Busy fighting my inner demons :(

      • Can't use PowerPoint for s***

    • Opportunities:

      • Fun dates

      • Will accompany you to concerts and other such activities

      • Daily fun facts!

      • Will play Minecraft

    • Reviews (don't just take my word for it. Hear what my friends have to say!):

      • "Who?' - My Dad (aged IDK)

      • "I actively dislike him" - Patricia (aged 23)

      • "He's scared of women" - Lucy (aged 22)

      • "I'm only saying he's nice because he paid me" - My mate Greg (aged 37)I've ran out of things to say lol so here's me in a silly hat and me sailing the high seas into your DMsBook your FREE no obligation date today!!Only while stocks last"

  • "....You wouldn't steal a succulent Chinese meal." (No comment. Literally no comments)

  • "I recently discovered that someone saying they want a one night stand and one night stand are two very different things.

  • "My biggest date fail: Not knowing it was a date and walking around Cathays cemetery." (wow.)

  • Tristan, 21: " Who wants me?" (Evidently, no one Tristan. That's why you're on Tinder)

  • "One thing I'll never do again: Go to Slough"

  • (in the most unenthusiastic, monotone voice known to man) "A friend's review of me: My friend Ethan is just simply lovely. Um, he's a qualified counsellor so he'll stop you from being depressed. And um, he's also good at other things. Like pleasing me. So, I hope you're ready to third-wheel." (Great, Can't wait. Sign me right up!)

  • "Marilyn Monroe would have a hard time competing against you" (Oh stop it you!)

  • (Wildlife noises, birdsong, Justin in the voice of David Attenborough) "As we venture into the wild world of dating, it's not often that we come across a specimen like this. A man with a physique carved out of marble (I wish!) and a heart that beats for the thrill of the game. *David Attenborough voice falters* A-and his love for the ocean that knows no bounds. I speak of course, of Justin. With a passion for the gym, surfing and rugby, he's the ultimate package for anyone looking for a partner that's physically fit and mentally strong."

  • "The dorkiest thing about me is I have the tizz not the rizz"

  • (Paradoxically, another fine gentleman said) "[I look] Like a blurrly Marilyn" (so, y'know, to very different 'compliments' there)

  • "My most irrational fear: Moths, f*** those guys"

  • (Closely followed by) "My most irrational fear: bread"

  • "A random fact I love is: Bananas are slightly radioactive"

  • "God you're fit" (charming!)

  • "You should not go out with me if you have self-respect" (I- Well, excuse you!)

  • Tom, 23: "You are not unloveable, you are just sad and a little bit angry. Let's go have some soup." (This may genuinely be the best piece of advice/food for thought I had ever read)

More dating app shenanigans aka that time I legitimately stumped the male population with one, simple question: "Would you rather be a cowboy, a samurai or a pirate?" (yes, these are all real responses I got)

  • "That is a horrible question to try and answer"

  • "Don't start this the infinite loop of overthinking"

  • "This question has been troubling me for all existence" (I didn't mean to trouble you for all existence Kyle)

  • "Great question, depends on if it was now or at the height of their times. At the height, pirate. Now, cowboy without a doubt."

  • "Some combo of all? A cowmurate? Perhaps?"

  • "All of the above, don't make me choose."

  • "Bruh, I'd be Captain Billy the kid san"

  • "Why not all three?"

  • "I would rather be a wizard., but if I must choose, I'd be a pirate. I don't fancy pilaging or thievery but F*** I love maps."

And now, some reactions to memes

A: This sounds like the opening chapter to a murder mystery where the audience finally uncovers the truth by the end of the novel.
B: Oh my god, games night?
B: Why do all our games seem to end up in murder? 
A: ...Because we're bookworms Issy.
B: Yeah. That's the reason...
A: No other reason...
B: Nope 
No other your honour
A: Deffo not
B: Of totally sound mind and body
A: ...I better get the lawyers to come up with a good alibi 
B: I dig holes for a job???
I'll be honest, I have yet to meet an archaeologist not down to discuss murder in the first 5 minutes of meeting them
A: Yeah, the price was social interaction
With the shopkeeper
B: The only tolerable kind 
An old Duolingo sadly waits for you to keep up your streak!
A: What happened to Duo????
B: He is near death from waiting for you complete your lesson
Every time you complete a lesson, Duo lives to see another day
*At seeing owl-themed products trending again*
B: Oh god the owl
Duo's plan for world domination round 2
A: Duolingo strikes again
A: "Oh Christ, if Terry hasn't got his oven preheated yet, he's absolutely cocked it."
B: I literally have the final minute music on a study playlist because it makes me work faster
A: ...well yes!!


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