Hey Skwad!
So unlike what it looks like, I’m not wearing a dress😅
Back on my birthday, my friend Jenny bought me this GIANT men’s tank top for my #prisonharleyquinncosplay, and I COULDN'T WAIT to transform or umm, how should I put this, customise? *cough* destroy *cough* the top!
But the top I got from @tvstoreonline was too perfect, so I decided to use that instead and Jenny's top for Prison Harley 3 (scroll below)! Look at these artsy *Tumblr-Esque* pictures I took of the top!
The shorts came in a couple of weeks later and while I still have the upper body tattoos (I do the legs and face with eyeliner 😅) and blue contact lenses to get, I thought I'd post a quick update on how SS Prison Harley’s coming along.
While I was too lazy to put tattoos/makeup on in these photos I stuck my wig on to get a feel for what it looks like on me and see it visually coming together.
Now, I made EVEN MORE IMPROVEMENTS FOR #prisonharley and did a FULL ON #costest, adding all the leg/face tattoos and makeup (e.g. bruises, dirt, the whole “no makeup” makeup thing)! Considering I’ve never done fake bruising, I think they came out quite well, I just need to do some more all over the body 😅☺️ I just need to buy some upper body tattoos (as this #cosplay feels kinda bare without them), contact lenses and style a much better wig (yes I know you can see my hairline, it was my first cosplay wig circa @OzConUk 2018 that I bought for £10 from eBay 😂🤦🏼♀️) so that this cosplay will FINALLY be done (YAY!)!! 😱 Despite not being a finished cosplay, I did get quite a few photos to share with you, so I hope you enjoy them! 😁

I was gonna put this pic upside down so it looks like I can actually do aerial gymnastics (like some incredibly talented people I know *cough* @x.psychotic_wildcard.x *cough*!) but it would make it look like gravity doesn’t exist so here’s a standard pic! 😅
I also just ordered a bunch of wig products so I can vastly improve how natural and realistic my wig looks for Harley as it’s my biggest #cosplay pet peeve when my wigs don’t look PERFECT!😅 It should all arrive before MCM Manchester, I can't wait to see so many of you there!! 😱💓 This will be my first MAJOR convention and I’m so ecstatic to meet some of my favourite people (you know who you are)! ☺️💓 (Let me know if you’re also going in the comments!)
In other news, I’ve finished painting my #suicidesquad #harleyquinn gun! So look out for that post very soon ☺️
Whilst I've got you here, there is so much going on with this community at the moment; and I just to say what I believe to be a fundamental truth: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS BEING “NOT GOOD ENOUGH” TO COSPLAY!! In the past couple of days, some of my cosplay idols have given up, deactivated their accounts and felt a mental low no one should ever feel. THIS HAS TO STOP! Cosplay is meant to be FUN! And the way we are all using social media (myself included) has become a competition about who’s the “best”; whether that be the most screen-accurate or the most followed, etc. I only started social media because I wanted to remember my first con (and future Cons) forever, to see how my cosplays improve over time and because I enjoy editing photos. I get a lot of DMs asking how one gets a large following (and while I don’t think I’m the right person to ask at all) I honestly can’t tell or care. I do my blog for myself and no one else. If people enjoy my content then AMAZING! It makes me so happy to know that others notice how much effort and pride I take into this hobby, and that’s all it is, a hobby. Please don’t forget that!

Additionally, I also got around to completing Harley's third prison outfit. For reference, Prison Harley 2 is just a ripped version of Prison Harley 3, but without the undershirt and the jacket tied as a crop top and her hair in long, low pigtails with the pink and blue very faded. So I very easily could do Prison Harley 2 as well if I wanted to! Personally, I'll never understand how in the getting ready sequence at Midway City Airport Harley has time to both perfectly cut and redye her hair when Rick Flag tells them:
Grab what you need for a fight, we wheels up in 10.
So, they have 10 minutes. In 10 minutes, Harley not only has time to redye her hair but repaint her nails all different colours and do nail art (granted on her left hand) and let them dry without messing them up. And don't get me started on how many times the shorts get stuck on the fishnets, and shown by how Harley's fishnets don't have any major holes in them at the start of the mission, there is NO WAY she got them on in less than 10 minutes, let alone all the individual pieces of jewellery and load her piston, etc. No wonder her makeup's so messy. But I digress.
Anyway, getting back on track, Prison Harley 3 also came with the shirt from @tvstoreonline before anyone asks! I know it looks like I’m really invested here, but really I’m just trying to get into any pose after pressing the 10-second timer! 😅😂
Again, I paid close to the makeup here, it's a very faded or lighter version of the Rebel Harley makeup as we're led to believe this scene takes place straight after the mission finishes. For example, her eye makeup isn't nearly as bold or dramatic and faded out from a neutral tone into blue and pink, respectively. Except Harley's nails are all red with a black French tip here unlike her mismatched red and blue nails on her right hand and the word "EVIL" written on her left hand's nails that she has during the mission, so perhaps maybe part of her privileges for completing the mission include makeup? I did up the saturation on some of the pictures here, because I love the contrast, but I have included the more accurate photos above!
I also really zoomed into the scene, which involved a lot of rewinding, pausing, fast-forwarding, realising I've gone too far and rewinding again, and found the exact book Harley's reading in this scene. It's Between the Sheets by Molly O'Keefe. I'm just going to add here for absolute clarity, that I've never actually read the book and only bought it for cosplay purposes, but I will leave you with this quote as to why the author believes the book for chosen:
The choice of Between The Sheets is perfect — not just because it’s a romance novel and Harley is dangerously, next-level romantic. But it’s also a romance novel about people working hard to be better together... I love the image of the insane and violent and abused Harley reading an angsty domestic romance about two people trying to work it out. Above all things, Between The Sheets is about hope. Hope that you can get better than what you had, hope that you can be loved the way that you deserve to be loved. Harley – who has not had a healthy romance with The Joker — needs some of that hope. And the look on her face as she’s reading Between The Sheets would indicate she’s really trying to absorb that message. - Molly O'Keefe
In other news, as you can see Doctor Harleen Quinzel is currently in the works and should be ready very soon (I only have a couple of bits to get! 😱) and I gave my gun a repaint to be a lot more detailed and accruate with the gold (as opposed to, previously, silver) accents. I realise this is a minute detail that probably won't show up on camera, but it's nice knowing its there nonetheless.