Hey Skwad!
So like everyone else, 2020 wasn’t exactly my year and felt very much like a wasted year and "oh gosh, that’s time I’ll never get back", etc, etc. But, despite the ongoing pandemic that is clearly not going anywhere for the time being, I decided that I would still try to use this next rotation of the planet to try to move myself closer to being where I want to be in life as well as who I’d like to be as an individual and overall more confident in myself. Being the most basic that I can be, my Pinterest is effectively a visualisation of my dream life and what that would include, and I am fortunate in that a lot of it is to some degree achievable for me as of where I am right now (So clearly I either have very realistic goals, or I really don’t ask for that much haha).
I won’t lie and say at the stroke of midnight I magically turned my life around, stopped wallowing in self-pity and became some sort of life guru. But at least by mid-January, I had implemented some of the following into my life and day-to-day activities.
So a lot of my Pinterest is hobbies I’d like to try out;
Getting fitter and thereby healthier and more confident in my body
Bullet journaling; benefiting my mind and emotions by processing them in a creative way and gives me a chance to look at something other than a screen all day
Letter writing/pen-paling
In terms of getting fitter, I had completed the NHS app Couch to 5k back in the summer of 2020, but since Uni started in the autumn felt overwhelmed and like I didn’t have time. I decided to give it another go, but with a twist! One of my close friends had also been meaning to do it and we decided to do it together, sending each other screenshots and sweaty post-workout mirror selfies (usually with peace signs) as proof. We have the full intention of progressing to 10k and then being able to run for charity, myself wanting to do Race for Life someday. Luckily, both my friend and I are fortunate to have an old running machine in our garage/shed meaning that we’re being as covid-safe as possible, but you can also do this as part of your hour’s exercise, should you wish.
I see sooo many pretty bullet-journal ideas on social media, but did not believe I had the handwriting for it (I’m not kidding, it’s really scruffy!). But I’m genuinely enjoying doing it, even if it's just for 5-10mins a day. So far I’ve noticed how it relaxes me before I head to bed as well as significantly boosting my self-esteem as I push myself to write in ways that focus on my attributes and how we can improve as a person as opposed to bashing myself for something I did 7 years ago that still keeps me up at night and looking at my negative traits in a new light. I also believed I had to own an *official* bullet journal, which couldn’t be further from the truth. I have so many half-empty notebooks that I can finish off as well as ones that I haven’t written in as I’m too worried my handwriting would tarnish them. But if anything starting to bullet journal has given me the motivation to finish them off (especially as it would be a waste of paper otherwise) and buy some really pretty stationary I’ve seen, such as these Disney Replica Journals.

On top of my cosplay board on Pinterest including every cosplay under the sun I would love to do, I also have had some real motivation via TicTok where I have a much larger following than I ever set out to achieve (it's literally me just messing about in cosplay having fun), so if you've found my blog through my TikTok, Hello! It's lovely to see you! If you'd like I might post more in-depth about cosplay on here as I have a far larger word count/time constraints and find I can express myself much better on here.
Letter writing is not only so incredibly classic and gives me major Brontë Sisters romanticism vibes, but my handwriting is not the best... and ergo would give me a chance to practice not necessarily calligraphy, but certainly legible handwriting (should I not one day get a typewriter). I also find that when I write free-form my vocabulary and self-expression vastly improves, most likely because I'm actually having to take a break and think (without distractions) unlike when I speak which I tend to do without thinking first sometimes.
Vintage dressing:
When I'm not dressed as some crazy character with full-on stage makeup on, I do dress like your average Joe. Unfortunately, in true Twila fashion, I'm a bit weird when it comes to everyday clothes as well! 😅 While I do own a few pieces of vintage fashion, I've found I'm a lot more confident when I dress vintage than I am when I wear regular streetwear, although as we head into a new decade I suppose the clothes in my wardrobe that I haven't changed since the eras gone by of 2012-2014 Tumblr and Pinterest could be considered vintage? Even so, I know I'm overall a lot happier when I look like I came out of an Old Hollywood film or 1950s suburbia (even though I completely disagree with the values of the period) and so moving forward I would like to dress vintage far more often until I eventually don't own any modern clothing anymore.
Vintage homeware:
Touching wood with my fingers crossed, the COVID-19 vaccinations will be in full force by summer and I will actually be able to go to University for the first time this autumn (which will be my second year). Obviously, this means leaving home for the first time, which I know must sound immature to the thousands of students who went through all this in their first year. But having my own space means, not only having to buy actual, y’know, adulting stuff, but also getting to decorate and plan a whole new room in accordance with my style (obviously within reason and the property guidelines, etc). And naturally, I have a whole Pinterest board of what my dream home would look like, and while I wouldn’t dare subject any of my housemates to my own ideas of what looks nice, I can at least style my own room the way I like, which is again one step closer to my dream life. Actually, in terms of home decor, I follow quite in line with my parent’s style, meaning that I also hopefully won’t get too homesick either!
In terms of material things I’d like to one day own:
a record player
a typewriter
a rotary telephone
a polaroid camera, etc
are all on the list, and fit with my mid-century modern vintage aesthetic, and being able to kill two birds with one stone certainly helps (especially if they're pink, natch!).
Anyway, please let me know your thoughts going into 2021 and hopefully, this year will be a lot better for everybody!